Maths in Reception

This week in Reception we have been learning all about the language of size. As our topic for the Autumn term is ‘Marvellous Me’, the children have been looking at feet sizes and using unifix cubes to measure the length through 1:1 counting. We have also been comparing our heights with each other to see who is the tallest or shortest in the whole of Reception. Many of the children were the same height so we now know the term equal to mean the same! We have also been using a maths program called ‘Purple Mash’ where we have made pictograms to represent hair and eye colour as well as favourite colours for all the children. We looked here for most and least popular choices to compare the answers.

Throughout the week the children have also been using the enhanced provisions throughout the classroom to access a variety of resources to sort objects into sets based on their attributes, using the tap-a-shape boards to make patterns and pictures, as well as continuing with our counting songs through nursery rhymes.

The children have worked super hard this week with their maths and all the Reception staff are very proud of their hard work. Keep it up Reception!

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.

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