Reading Stars

Reading is such an important part of life at Harlow Green and it has been an incredibly busy few weeks as many children in KS2 have achieved reading certificates in reading Plus for the number of words they have read. Mr Allen spent nearly a whole afternoon  looking through each class’s reading records and was flabbergasted at the number of children who had read in excess of 50,000 words! This is an incredible effort and one that they should feel very proud of. We hope that more and more children will strive to achieve this over the next weeks.

This week’s reading class stars

Reading Plus: Class 4B with an average comprehension score of 81.6%

Accelerated Reader: Class 3B with an average comprehension score of 83.6%.

Well done to both classes and to all those individuals.
Remember, reading is the key to knowledge across so many curriculum areas and the more you read, the better you will get.

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