Under the Sea

This week in Nursery our topic has been ‘under the sea’. They started this topic by receiving a bucket full of items linked to the seaside, such as suncream, a spade, a swimming costume, sunglasses, a sun hat, a fan and many more items. The children took it in turns to pick out an item at a time from the bucket and talked about what the item was and why we may need them at the beach. Later on in the week, they listened to a story called ‘hide and seek under the sea’ and talked about a range of sea creatures that were mentioned in the story. This led to the children identifying their favourite sea creature and saying why they like that sea creature. In the outside area, lots of children have made marks to represent some sea creatures using chalk and have been on the hunt for seashells that were left by a merperson. In the role play area, the children have enjoyed playing in the new pirate ship, trying on pirate costumes and exploring the treasure in the treasure chest. During PE the children ‘swam’ around to some music. When the music stopped, they then held a pose and froze. They also worked together to make the dolphin jump high into the air and jump low to the ground with the parachute. In the creative area, lots of children have decorated different sea creatures using paint, glitter and collage materials and practised their cutting skills to cut out the tentacles on a jellyfish. In the mathematics area, lots of children have practised rolling the dice, identifying the number shown on the dice and then counted out that number of fish to place on the correct numbered seashell. In the small world area and the water area, lots of children have been talking about their experiences of the beach and making up their own beach and under the water stories to act out.

Article 19 – We all have the right to be looked after and kept safe.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.

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