Quelle est la date?

In French this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about the date. The children began by singing the days of the week in French to help the tune and lyrics stick in their minds. They then went on to months of the year and also recapped their numbers in order to write the date. Once the children were confident with the date, they were able to ask and answer questions about birthdays within the class. They were all given a new birthday and were asked to find someone else with the same birthday month, however they could only speak to each other in French. The children found this tricky at first but became more confident with their French pronunciations and therefore were able to work out the month of the year. Once the children had found a partner with the same birthday month, they then organised themselves by date order, starting with janvier and ending with decembre. The children have really enjoyed this topic and are keen to explore more French next term.

Article 32 – We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

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