Chinese New Year

This week the children have been learning about all about Chinese New Year and China. The children started this week by listening to a story called Maisy’s Chinese New Year and watching some videos on CBeebies about Chinese New Year. They also discussed whether or not they celebrate Chinese New Year at home and tasted some Chinese food including noodles, spring rolls and prawn crackers. The children have also learned about the Great Race and talked about how some of the animals helped each other, the position the animals finished in the race and how the different animals may have felt and why using words such as happy, sad, proud and angry. In the classroom and during their weekly PE session, the children have practised doing some Chinese dancing and games. This week the children also had their first bikes and scooter session on KS1 yard and dough disco session in the classroom. During choosing time, lots of children have also made their own Chinese drums, dragons, firework pictures, greeting cards and practised their cutting skills to make Chinese lanterns.

Article 24 – We have the right to be healthy and happy.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.

Article 30- We all have the right to practise our own culture, language and religion.


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