French- Quel temps fait-il?

This half term, Year 5 have been learning how to describe the weather in French.  In each lesson, the children had the opportunity to practise the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language. At first, the children learnt 9 key phrases to describe different types of weather with the use of pictures and visual clues. Next, the children recapped key cities within France before learning phrases to describe the location of these cities. The classes were then able to combine their knowledge of weather vocabulary with directional language to create longer sentences verbally and in writing. To end the topic, the children enjoyed preparing and delivering a weather forecast in French using a weather map and symbols. It was great to see how much confidence the classes had speaking in French for an extended length of time. Bien fait!


Article 29- We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities.


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