COVID-19 Infection Study -Additional Information

Firstly, we have now been provided with the additional information for parents which may help understand how the study will be conducted and the reasons why.  This can be found by clicking on the link below.

Parent Information Sheet (no longer available)

Additionally, we are aware that the registration process is not as easy as we wished it would be.  If you have any difficulties you can contact the the team who are leading on this via the IQVIA helpline on 0800 917 9679 or email [email protected] if you are unable to use a telephone.

It has come to our attention that parents are asked to define the class that their child is in.  I’m sure whatever people have put in so far will be fine and that we can identify the children and organise this with the team.  If you are still to complete the registration please follow use the following class names (not the teacher’s names).

Reception A (for Miss Bradshaw)

Reception B (for Miss Nelson)

Year 1a (for Mrs Hopkins)

Year 1b (for Miss Rutherford)

Year 2a (for Miss Norman)

Year 2b (for Miss Bull)

Year 3a (for Miss Ledger)

Year 3b (for Mrs Chapman/Mrs Hamilton)

Year 4a (for Mr Hollingworth)

Year 4b (for Mrs Blinkhorn/Mrs Old)

Year 5a (for Mrs Jennings)

Year 5b (for Miss Alexander)

Year 6a (for Mr Allen)

Year 6b (for Mrs Galvin)


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