In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text.
Comprehension Text – Back to Earth with a bump – Newspaper Report
Back to Earth with a Bump Text
Back to Earth with a Bump Questions
Back to Earth with a Bump Answers
Grammar focus – Compound sentences
A compound sentence contains two independent clauses that are joined with a coordinating conjunction (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). A comma is placed before the conjunction.

Co-ordinating conjunctions mat
Commas and compound sentence worksheet
Writing task
Write a newspaper report about something that has happened in the news recently. For ideas, watch Newsround on CBBC and write a report about one of the stories featured.
What I’m Looking For:
- Catchy headline
- An introduction that answers the 5 Ws- Who, What, Why, Where, Why
- Compound sentences with a range of coordinating conjunctions
- A quote- using direct speech and speech marks
- A picture with a caption
Resources to help:
Features of a Newspaper Report PowerPoint
Features of a Newspaper Report PDF
Newspaper report writing template
Children should spend 20 minutes at least three times per week using Reading Plus.
In maths, we will spend a week focusing on a particular topic, eg. shape or place value. Activities will then be set on Mathletics that are based upon this subject.
Topic – Decimals (including money)
This week we will be looking at understanding decimals – using them to make a whole, convert to fractions and understanding money.
Resources to help:
This week we will be using the White Rose Maths videos and resources, so below you will find each day’s link and work to go with it. As usual, you set the pace – if you get behind then don’t worry just work through it at the pace that you and your child is comfortable. Each day there are the White Rose worksheets attached, along with an additional worksheet or starter activity that is more simple should you want to try that first or use that instead.
There is a place value chart that the children have used in school before attached as a link below if you want to print it off or put it on screen to help.
Step 1 – Making a Whole.
Watch the video, pause it when it says pause and complete the activities;
Monday – answers – make a whole
Extra activity; Make a Whole – decimals
Step 2 – Divide 1 digit by 10.
A good way of exploring decimals is with money. For example, if I have £1.00 and divide by ten, I will have £0.10p. If I have £0.10p and I divide by 10, I will have £0.01p. Notice where the 1 is moving – 1 step to the right around the decimal point each time.
In £3.12, the £3 are the whole pounds, the £0.10 is the ten pence piece (a tenth of £1) and the £0.02 are the 2p, which are the hundredths of the £1 as there are 100 1p coins in £1. Get out the money box, line up the coins and talk about how many pennies go into each coin – how many pennies are in 10p, how many 10p are in £1 etc? Can you divide £1 by 10, then 10p by 10?
Tuesday – divide 1 digit by 10
Tuesday – answers divide 1 digit by 10
Extra resource poster; Divide by 10 poster
Starter activity; Starter activity – divide by 10
Starter – Tenths Activity Sheet
Step 3 – Hundredths as decimals.
Again, get out the penny jar – look at the 1p coins and how they link to 10p and to £1. Write out the value of money you have with £ and p and get the children to identify how many whole £ you have, how many 10ths you have and how many 100ths you have. Why are they called 100ths? Because 100 of them go into £1.
Wednesday – answers hundredths
Challenge game – print out or make your own place value chart and get your coins out and lay them on the chart. How many whole £1 have you got? How many tenths? How many hundredths? What happens if you move a 5p into the hundredths column – what do you have to do? Will you need 1p coins instead? Get children to tell you the value in each column from the coins you have placed on the chart and build confidence in talking about tenths and hundredths.
Step 4 – Divide 1 or 2 digits by 100
Today you build on Tuesday’s learning about dividing by 10, and you start dividing by 100.
Thursday – divide by 10 and 100
Thursday – answers divide by 10 and 100
Starter activity; Starter activity – divide by 100
Starter – Hundredths Activity Sheet
Challenge game: have a go at this game on snappymaths.com http://snappymaths.com/counting/decimals/interactive/div1dby10100/div1dby101000.htm
Additional activities:
Complete your Mathletics challenges and have a go at this challenge if you are feeling brave!
Challenge game – multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiplying and dividing decimals challenge
More snappymaths.com games;
Times Table Rockstars:
Focus this week is the 7 times tables.
If you want to do a morning Times Table Rockstar challenge the same way we do in lessons, then attached are sheets that we would have used for the next 3 weeks. Follow this link to find the playlist on the Times Table Rockstars page if you want a fun, music challenge. The sheets are set up to do 5 sessions a week, over the 3 weeks. Feel free to use them once or twice a week or to do all 5 if you are up for the challenge!
Week 5 6 and 7 – questions (3)
General Revision – English, Maths, Reading, Grammar.
If you would like some general revision challenges that will cover elements from Maths and English since September, then these Classroom Secrets sheets are an excellent tool to use.