Year 5 Home Learning – Week 13

As another week draws to a close, it’s hard to believe that some of us have been learning from home for almost 13 weeks now. Once again, you have shown us just how dedicated and hard-working the children of year 5 are and you should all be proud of your efforts over these last weeks. It has been a pleasure to see all of your writing, reading and mathletics activities as well as all of the things you have managed to do outdoors. It never fails to make us smile when we see the amazing things you have done from home, so don’t forget to send your emails to [email protected].

This week, we have been so impressed while reading your non-chronological reports on the planets of our solar system. The care and effort that has gone into these pieces of work has been clear to see and many of you used colourful diagrams and illustrations to support your writing. After reading all these detailed reports, the year 5 teachers feel like experts! It has been fantastic to see that many of you have been enjoying your time outside with activities such as the daily mile and many of you continue to work on your cooking skills by making new meals. The artwork we have seen this week has also been fantastic and we have also seen some great designs as part of our new ‘Communities’ topic. Your attitude towards your home learning has been amazing and we already look forward to next week’s activities.

In school, we have been keeping active by doing the daily mile most days and helping Miss Rowe outside. Some pupils helped to give the chickens their anti-parasite medication while others watered the plants and took care of the outdoor area. Mrs Jennings, Miss Alexander and Miss Dale have all enjoyed being with more pupils this week and look forward to seeing more of you soon.

We will be posting new reading, grammar and writing tasks on Monday and we will also set new activities on mathletics. Keep an eye out for these on the school website and don’t forget to send us any photographs. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and we can’t wait to see what next week brings.

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