Daily Schedule for all Year Groups

The schedule below allows Harlow Green Community Primary School to create consistent isolated groups (bubbles) which will reduce the potential of cross-contamination and the spreading of COVID-19 by ensuring that the chance of groups coming into contact with each other is limited.

This schedule, along with a comprehensive plan and risk assessment, will be implemented from Monday 8th June to accommodate for increasing numbers of children who have been scheduled to access provision at each agreed date.  However, this schedule will be continuously evaluated and risk-assessed so that where an issue may arise, the school can change and adapt swiftly, possibly at short notice for parents/carers.

What must I do?

Please identify which year group your child is in and follow the timings and the entry/exit points.  You will be able to clarify with staff on site as you come into school until you get used to the systems.

It is essential to understand that the school will close after the morning session on Friday and, therefore, children must be collected at the allocated time between 1.00pm and 1.30pm.

If you have more than one child accessing school, there is the potential issue of different start and end times.  The process will be that you will drop all children accessing school at the earliest time and then collect at the earliest time.  For example, if you had a child in Reception and Year 1, you would drop-off at 9.00am and collect at 2.45pm.

Click here to download the Schedule for Parents

Or see below

Daily Timings

Year Group

Start Break Lunch (playtime) Mon-Thurs




Entry and Exit Points

Year 6

8.45am 10.00-10.10 11.30-12.00

Eat after in class

2.45pm 1.00pm

KS2 Door

Year 5

9.00am 10.15-10.25 12.00-12.30

Eat after in class

15.00 1.15pm

KS2 Door

Year 4

8.45am 10.00-10.10 11.30-12.00

Eat after in class

2.45pm 1.00pm

Lamesley Door

Year 3

9.15am 10.30-10.40 12.30-13.00

Eat before in class

3.15pm 1.30pm Lamesley Door
Year 2 9.15am 10.30-10.40 12.30-13.00

Eat before in class

3.15pm 1.30pm

Y2 Classrooms

Year 1

9.00am 10.15-10.25 12.00-12.30

Eat before in class


1.15pm Y1 Classrooms



9.45-10.00 11.00-11.30

Eat after



Reception Classrooms

(Exit from Hall for Ra)

Nursery 9.00am N/A N/A 11.45pm N/A

Nursery Gate


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