Year 6 Home Learning – Week 6

Over the last week, we have continued to enjoy receiving your emails and speaking to so many of you on the phone. it is interesting to hear how you are filling your time whilst in lock down and the new skills and activities that you seem to be enjoying so much. Your teachers are continuing to learn new skills too including baking and gardening and a spot of DIY around the house.

Reading your e-mails and looking at your pictures lets us see that you are working hard on activities like Reading Plus, TT Rockstars and Mathletics, but are also having fun with lego, playing in your paddling pools and making some interesting and exciting concoctions in the kitchen. It is excellent to see so many of you keeping active doing Joe Wick’s workouts, going for walks and riding bikes and scooters.  The school still feels strange without you all in it and it is hard to believe that it has been six weeks of home learning. We are all extremely proud of your efforts and the dedication that you are showing. Please keep sharing what you are doing with us.

On Monday, there will be a new website post with an exciting writing challenge for you. We hope that you enjoy it and look forward to reading your work in the coming week. There will also be some new Mathletics activities set to keep you busy. Until then, keep looking after your families and stay safe.

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