Year 5 Home Learning – Week 9

Well, for some of you that’s another half term completed at home! For others, it’s been a half term of coming into school, making new friends and discovering new talents! We’re incredibly proud of you all and we can see how hard you’ve all been working (both at home and at school). Because May half term starts on Monday, we won’t be setting you a writing task or Mathletics next week, but if you’re inspired, you can definitely still complete some! There will, however, be a Rock Battle between the classes on TT Rockstars for you to take part in if you so desire (we think you all “rock” anyway!). Whatever you get up to over half term, we hope you have a fantastic time and we’d still love to see all of your photos (please email them to [email protected]).

Over the last week, and in the coming week, there have been quite a lot of you celebrating your birthdays (including one today!). Happy birthday to all of you, and we hope you have the best lockdown birthday you can manage – you’ll never forget turning 10 in the middle of a global pandemic!

Your writing has been outstanding this week – we have been so impressed! Speech punctuation can be a little bit tricky, but it’s great to see how many of you have remembered what you have learnt and applied it to your work. We’re very proud! We particularly enjoyed the very creative names you all gave your meerkats!

The Year 5 team have been as busy as ever this week. The Jennings household has turned into a makeshift spa, as Mrs Jennings and her daughter have been practising their foot massages and manicures on one another! Mrs Dale has, in a similar vein, been practising her hairdressing skills with an unsuccessful attempt at dying her daughter’s hair purple. Although they won’t be opening a salon any time soon, they had a lovely time together! Miss Alexander has taken up running, and although she has hated every second of it, she is always happy to reward herself with a delicious bar of chocolate when she gets home.

Enjoy yourselves this half term! Keep safe, keep smiling, and keep washing your hands!

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