Starting Reception
Information for parents/carers with children starting Reception or who are considering choosing Harlow Green.
The wearing of uniform is an essential part of being a pupil at Harlow Green Community Primary.

Diary Dates
Upcoming dates for events in and out of school, including term & holiday dates for the coming school year.

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Our latest activities

Who will help me eat this bread?
Who will help me eat this bread?
Linked with our learning of Autumn, Nursery have been reading the story of the Little Red Hen. We have been talking about Autumn, and all of the vegetables and crops we grow and harvest…
Reception Meet the Hens
Reception Meet the Hens
Reception had the pleasure of meeting our school hens up close this morning. Miss Rowe brought four of the hens into class, Nora, our largest, Silkie, our oldest, Winter, our smallest and the newly…
Fire Starters
Fire Starters
Forest School this morning for Year 4 and more rain! But that didn’t dampen our spirits, we headed out to put into practice our fire-making skills. Miss Rowe had some help with the main…
Harmful Substances
Harmful Substances
This week, we have been learning about harmful substances. The children started by having to decide which substance was the odd one out and give a reason why. They were fascinated to learn that…
Marvellous Maths
Marvellous Maths
This week in Reception, we have been honing our counting skills by practising counting with dice. The children focused on recognising numbers quickly by observing the patterns of dots and identifying small amounts without…

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News from our classes